It’s hard to believe that anyone would support tyranny over liberty, but sadly, millions of Americans across the country do. …
With each passing day, it becomes harder and harder to deny the fact that political censorship has become commonplace in …
In the year 1783, just seven years after America officially declared its independence from the crown, George Washington famously proclaimed, …
Given the amount of political and ideological censorship that takes place on the Internet nowadays, one has to question whether …
For companies like Facebook and Google, trying to do business in China is a bit like trying to dig up …
With approximately 2 billion monthly users from around the globe, Facebook is the most popular website for sharing information and interacting digitally …
A Facebook contractor named Unique ‘Pinky’ Parsha has recently stated in public that she had been forced to live out of …
The Left’s war on Christianity is relentlessly continuing, with the latest battle being waged online. Social media behemoth Facebook has …
The internet is buzzing with chatter about a new Facebook “feature” that allegedly peers into smartphone users’ eyes to detect …
The incoherent way that Facebook chooses to police the content published on its social media platform is getting stranger and …
How do you go from a nerd who developed a popular social media website to master decider of the universe and …
It’s hardly a secret that in today’s technologically-driven world, almost nothing is private or sacred anymore. This is especially true …
It might be time to start paying more attention to the fine print when you sign up for social media …
The 61-year-old billionaire and self-proclaimed “humanitarian,” Bill Gates, has a new, younger protege that wants to follow in his footsteps …